Longings for More: Spiritual Wholeness

Longings for More: Spiritual Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership Long before I had the language to describe my pursuit of spiritual wholeness, I had longings and yearnings for purpose, for meaning, for that “something more,” that must be out...
To know and be known: Relational Wholeness

To know and be known: Relational Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership “The Voice cries, Child, come home.But home hurts, I reply. Home means ridicule. I am not known, there, only judged. I must hide and suppress to survive. I can’t go back....

Align Your Three “Self’s” to Level Up

You have probably heard of self-image, self-esteem and self-confidence before. You’ve probably even used them interchangeably in your vocabulary, thinking they all have the same definitions (I know I have!).But what if I told you they have different definitions?And...
3 Brain Shifts: Mental Wholeness

3 Brain Shifts: Mental Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership When the pandemic hit just one year ago, I was one of “those people” excited for mixing up the schedule a bit. I thought that meetings in my pajamas were awesome, that clocking...
Indescribable Overload: Emotional Wholeness

Indescribable Overload: Emotional Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership In a moment everything shattered. Five years of my life were taken away. Everything I prayed for, worked for, hoped for, continued to break little by little until it was...