April Diaz Speaking Rider & AV Requests

We are completely honored and excited to collaborate with you to make your next event the best ever!

We don’t need “blue M&Ms only” in April’s green room or anything crazy like that, but there are a few details that will help us prepare for your event.  

April has been on stage hundreds of times all across the globe and is flexible and able to speak in just about any speaking environment. However, we have learned that a lot can be done with the room set-up specifically to benefit the audience.  

If possible, we’d love your help in accommodating as many of these requests as possible to literally “set the stage” in the best way possible so that your attendees get an experience they’ll never forget.  

  • April’s presentation uses large, embedded videos, custom fonts, custom layouts, custom colors, and advanced animation. Therefore, we request that she be able to run the presentation from her laptop (MacBook Air). Over the years she’s allowed a production company to have the presentation in advance to run from their machines. Without fail, at least one piece of the custom design gets lost in translation, putting April in a stressful state leading up to or even during the session. April will bring all the adapters and be ready to plug in. 
  • April’s mic preference in order: countryman, wireless handheld, lavalier. If there are less than 50 people in the audience a microphone isn’t needed. Please note also that April runs audio in her presentation, so we need to have sound available directly from her laptop, if possible. 
  • If you wish to record the event, please notify April in advance to discuss that possibility. Related, please do not post any slides or other content that you may have received from our team for the attendees without first running it by us.  
  • If you have a projector and screens, please make sure they are set off to the side(s) of the stage and not in the center of the stage, so April isn’t walking through the light of the projector. If possible, please arrange a time for a brief walk-through and sound check when the attendees are not in the room. 
  • In a desire to keep your event running smoothly, if the event gets behind schedule, she will be flexible to your guidance as if you want her to cut her part or just do the full time. Either way, it helps tremendously if you can have a large countdown clock that is easily viewable from the stage to help her stay on time 
  • To help April’s ADHD-brain remain focused, please disallow servers of any kind from serving or clearing plates during the presentation.  
  • Clients often ask if April would be available beyond the session to connect with participants. She’s happy to do so (and loves to meet people!) as long as it’s shortly following her presentation. Additionally, you can always invite her to join an executive dinner or other social gatherings but her #1 priority is being fully rested and fully prepared to deliver an outstanding presentation for you on-stage.  

Most of all, April’s here to serve you and your audience! Please don’t feel any need to provide any additional gifts. (Unless it’s a Louis Vuitton bag, which she will gladly accept!) All jokes aside, she usually travels carry-on only which makes additional gifts difficult to take home.  

Truly, April’s honored and humbled to have the opportunity to speak to your audience and assist you in creating a transformational experience. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or if there’s any other way we can serve you and your team.

Cheering you on!