A 6-month personalized group coaching experience for women who lead at the highest levels and long to live a more impactful, whole life

New groups begin October 2024. Join the Waitlist and be the first to know!

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You show up every day for everyone around you.

From the moment you wake up until you lay down at night, you’re on the move. You lead from the top of your company. You’re the go-to person for your family and friends. From the outside, you have it all together. But inside of you tells a different story.

You’re responsible for so much. You’ve built this incredible life, but it’s not what you thought it’d look like. What you do matters, but some days, you’re tired of fighting for it (and at the same time, you know you can’t stop).

What if it didn’t have to be so hard and heavy?

Imagine what it would be like to wake up and feel joy and lightness. To move through your day with unshakeable confidence and clear focus. To have space to relax (and to actually do it!). To have such a solid support system that you never feel alone, stuck, or that you’re the only one who has to do it all.

How would that impact your life? Your leadership? Your legacy? You?

“It’s been a while since I’ve done something for me. I’m highly aware of what I’ve been tolerating and I’m no longer willing to do it anymore. I’ve found my voice and others, especially other women, have noticed. I’ve been able to claim myself.

-Corey Milliet
North Carolina

If I didn’t go through this journey, I’d still be wishing my goal would be my current reality. I’m so proud of myself, I actually did the steps!”

-Betsy Marvin

Everything changes when you become more whole. 

  1. You make decisions from a place of conviction and clarity (versus trying to avoid disappointing people).
  2. You bring up concerns as you see them and have the boldness to face them head-on.
  3. You’re confident of the direction you want for your life, career, and relationships.
  4. You no longer show up at the office at 6 AM simply because you feel like you should.
  5. Your marriage or dating relationship is healthy, vibrant, and passionate.
  6. You tell your partner what you need without apologizing for it.
  7. You have renewed energy and enthusiasm for your life’s work.
  8. You put your phone down and enjoy being in the moment.
  9. You own your femininity, even when you’re operating in a man’s world.
  10. You move through your days with the lightness of “come what may.”

And the best part?

This kind of life is within your reach – no matter how stressful, stretched, or out of whack everything feels right now.

But if it’s possible, why haven’t I figured out how to have it already?

There’s no debate – you’re super smart, driven, and successful. You steer the ship, and you’re on top of your game (even on days you don’t feel like it).

But something happens when you become a leader – and not just a leader, but an executive leader. Many women in your shoes often experience three major jolts of reality:

1. You’re killing it on the job, but your personal life feels like a shell.

You’re responsible for directing, engaging, and motivating at work. You’re a mirror for your organization and have direct influence on other leaders and your team. 

Work tends to get your best energy, while your household feels like a hot mess. Laundry stays piled up, dust collects on your coffee table, and you order more take-out than you’d like to admit.

You also wish you and your partner had more fun and romance. But life has gotten in the way, and sometimes you feel like you don’t know them anymore – or if passion is even possible. You’ve been going through the motions for far too long and aren’t sure how (or if) you can revive the spark.

2. You’ve “arrived”, but
it’s not what you
thought it’d be.

You can’t not lead. You’re born for it, and you’re good at it – excellent, even. You’ve worked hard to build what you have now, but you’re left feeling disappointed and wondering, “Is this really what I signed up for?!”

Leading is lonely, and you keep getting burned by the boy’s club. You don’t want to lose your seat at the table, yet you wonder if there’s more to life than this.

3. You take care of
everyone else, but no
one takes care of you.

This is the largest red flag we see in women executives!

Your partner loves you. You’re rocking it at your company. At home, maybe you bring in help to keep the house clean, the fridge stocked, and life movin’ and groovin’.

You’re the one who keeps all the plates spinning. And yet you’re afraid if you stop one plate, they’ll all come crashing down. You feel like you’re the one who has to figure it all out. 

You’d move heaven and earth to give others what they need. You’d break glass ceilings all day long for other women. But do you do it for yourself? Nope!

If you’re feeling like this, know it has nothing to do with your intelligence, capabilities, or potential.
It has everything to do with your wholeness.

Let’s cut through the BS for a sec.

As a woman, especially at your level of leadership, the most important thing you can do is prioritize your wholeness.

You carry such great responsibility on your shoulders. And you do so because what you do is important. It matters to you and the world. This is SUCH a remarkable quality about you! But it takes a toll.

It’s one thing to work hard and persevere. It’s another to be weighed down by the burden of your demands and not find relief.

To experience the level of change you want, it takes doing something different. It takes a willingness to engage an effective framework – one that’s proven and designed for you – and to lean into the support of other women who “get you.”

Your Coach. Our Community. Your Commitment to Working Your Plan.

Transformation and wholeness happen when these three things come together.

What if you could…

  1. Wake up every morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day
  2. Walk into that meeting feeling centered and with clear-headed confidence
  3. Strut into that boy’s club and fully own your right to be in that space

  4. Amplify your voice to smash the patriarchy (and still keep your seat at the table)
  5. Practice consistent boundaries on when work ends and home begins (Goodbye working nights and weekends!)
  6. Give enthusiastically to causes that matter to you without burning yourself out
  7. Feel sexy and get that spice back into your love life
  8. Connect to your deeper dreams and bring them to life

You’re more powerful than you know right now.

You blaze trails and challenge the status quo. Imagine doing that with less pressure and greater ease. Imagine how potent your life and legacy become when you crank up your voice and become exactly who you’re created to be.


The Executive Warrior Woman

A highly-curated group coaching experience for executive women who want to live and lead from their highest potential

We use the word “highly-curated” on purpose.

This isn’t some do-it-yourself online course where you’re left figuring out what to do on your own.

It’s also not some program where you’re fighting to get your questions answered or left feeling like a number.

Sister, you’re fighting enough already!

In The Executive Warrior Woman, we’ve designed a pathway for you and loaded it with high-level support. We’re not just some motivational group that gives you fluff. We’re here to get you clear on where you want to go and help you create the shortest path there.

Plus, we keep our executive women groups small and cozy so you feel supported, seen, held, and personally coached at every step.

When you are more whole…

  • You have room to relax in your body and mind
  • You don’t have resentments or doubts haunting you
  • You’re leading deliberately and thoughtfully
  • You realize you don’t have to be the one keeping it all together
  • You’re deeply connected to those you love most
  • You’ve tapped into your deeper purpose and operate from that space
  • You can breathe deep and know you got this!

The Executive Warrior Woman helps you…

  • Make your goals your reality (even if you don’t know what that goal is right now!)
  • Fuel your body each day so you feel strong, energized, and focused
  • Damn the “should”s and make choices that prioritize YOU more
  • Move yourself off the back burner and say “no” to things you never thought possible
  • Reorient your professional and personal life so you’re thriving in both
  • Know where you need support and how to ask for it
  • Ask for what you want from your partner without feeling like a burden
  • Rekindle the passion and feel irresistibly attracted to your partner
  • Magnify your voice so you can stand up for yourself and speak out when things aren’t right
  • Feel spiritually connected and supported, even if your relationship with religion is complicated

Achieve results where they matter the most to you.

See what previous Executive Warrior Women are saying…

“The end of these last 6 months has felt so easy because of the shifts I’ve made in this journey. I’m where I’m supposed to be, not where anyone else wants me to be. I’m more confident in my life.

-Abir Chaundry

“The most powerful aspect of being part of the Executive Coaching Group was being surrounded by women and being LED by a woman, who didn’t just talk about women supporting women…they embodied it. They held space for me and each other to grow and process and be messy. I think that is April’s superpower – holding space for women to be whatever we need to be while we walk into a fuller, empowered, purpose.”

-Ashley Lagos

“I’ve realized that I don’t have to ask or seek permission to be the leader I know I am. I get to dream my dreams not what someone else wants me to do.

-Michele Barnes

I found my voice. She is strong and forceful yet gentle.”

-April Wahl
North Dakota

What’s Inside The Executive Warrior Woman

The Executive Warrior Woman is a six-month all-encompassing experience that dives deep into the six major dimensions of a woman’s wholeness.

The Pre-Work: Getting Started

You’re busy making decisions, casting the vision, and recalibrating to what life throws at you. You live at Mach 2 speed so it may be hard to know where to begin. Or perhaps you’re overflowing with dreams and you don’t know where to start.

No worries. We’ll help you set your top, most valuable goal.

First, you’ll take our exclusive, proprietary Wholeness Assessment. This is where you settle back, breathe in, and answer questions about different areas of your life. Your personalized results will help you pinpoint what’s most important for you to work on.

You’ll then take those results and define your top goal to achieve in the next six months. Don’t worry about figuring this out on your own. Our process will guide you.

Now, you’re all set to begin your six-month experience, with each month focusing on a different dimension


Your relationship with your body sets the foundation for your wholeness. But burning the candle at both ends likely means you’ve taken a hit with your sleep, food, and movement patterns. In this first month, start new habits that’ll get you feeling strong, energized, and fueled for success.


Let’s face it. When you’re taking care of everyone else and running Mach 2, it’s hard to connect with how you’re feeling. Learn how to identify and manage your emotions in the real time, even if they’re uncomfortable or you don’t fully understand them.


As a strong leader, your mind moves fast. This double-edged sword helps you adapt quickly and can also wear you out. 

Discover how to ditch the brain drain and start practicing the simple skills that improve your focus and unlock your creativity. Learn how to harness your thoughts in a way that builds you up, strengthens you as a leader, and helps you be more present.


Leadership can feel isolating. You know this on a cellular level. We focus here on strengthening your current relationships and building new connections in ways that leave you feeling supported, cared for, and loved.

This is the month where you really start to witness the power of the Warrior Women sisterhood. The other executive women in your group get you. You don’t have to explain yourself. We got you.


Your faith and beliefs are important to you. And at the same time, religion and the patriarchy have scuffed you up. (Seriously. The struggle is real.) Reground in your vision and purpose while deepening meaning in your leadership roles.


It’s one thing to get sleep. It’s another to feel energized and manage stress. In this final month, practice the powerful strategies that’ll renew your life and help you feel whole wherever you go.

What You Get in the Executive Warrior Woman

The Executive Warrior Woman invites you to come as you are. It meets you where you are today and helps you create a better tomorrow.
In it, you’ll get:

  • 6 group coaching sessions with all participants where you’ll receive practical training on that month’s wholeness dimension focus (led by our Founder and Lead Coach April Diaz)
  • 6 private 1:1 coaching sessions so you can customize your journey and continue making progress on your top goal
    (between you and April)
  • 6 smaller group sessions with only executive leaders so you can process and interact with the women in your group and determine your next action steps (led by April)
  • 6 LIVE Q&A sessions where you can ask any question about your wholeness journey and receive support from the greater community (led by April within the larger Warrior Women Membership Community)
  • Exclusive Wholeness Assessment that uncovers your greatest opportunities for transformation
  • Practical goal-setting guide that helps you determine and prioritize your top goal
  • Monthly action steps checklist to keep you focused and moving forward
  • Access to a like-minded community of women who are wonderfully diverse and wildly encouraging
  • Abundant, dedicated support from our Founder and Lead Coach, April Diaz

Choose Between Two Payment Options:

1. Payment Plan: $250 deposit today + $499/month for six months

2. Pay In Full discount: $250 deposit today + $2844

When you click the above, you’ll head to a page where you pay a $250 deposit and select your payment structure.

Spots are limited.

When you join The Executive Warrior Woman, you’ll also get premium, exclusive support.

A Place Where You Don’t Have to Lead

At work, you’re the boss. You lead your team to achieve their goals. At home, you’re running errands, managing schedules, and keeping the household together.

The buck stops with you.

In The Executive Warrior Woman, you don’t have to lead. You can let your hair down, be you, and get the support YOU need. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but most of our clients end up saying this is one of the most valuable highlights of their six-month experience.

A Private Community of Other Executive Women

There’s something extra special when you get a group of powerhouse women together. We truly become unstoppable.

The community of Executive Warrior Women is no exception. We lift one another up and cheer each other on. When the going gets tough (as it always does), we show up as allies.

Life and faith look a little different for each of us. Many of us are married, but some aren’t. The same goes for having kiddos.

We all come from different backgrounds and industries. Some own their own business while others lead within corporations. We’ve been hurt by the patriarchy, brush ourselves off, and keep moving forward. We have a seat at the table, and we’re not about to give it away.

We are Executive Warrior Women. And we’re not going anywhere.

“The benefits of coaching go far beyond action steps and reaching goals (which it definitely does). The community of warrior sisters, belief, and wholeness approach have been transformational for me. “

-Betsy Marvin

“I love the personal growth I experienced during my 6-month executive coaching. God used this group and the things I learned to help free me to live the life that not only He intended for me, but to acknowledge the deeper longings in my heart and live in a way that honors and expresses them.”

-Michele Barnes

Want some icing on that cake? Check out these bonuses!

“Create More Time” Checklist

For the life of a double-booked woman, it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Learn how to bend time and free up space in your day with the very strategies our company uses to create hours out of thin air.


Think you can’t afford coaching? Think again. This exclusive download will blow your mind and help you find the resources to rest assured when you join a coaching group.

Warrior Women membership Community is included

Let’s be real. It’s hard to make friends as adults. It’s even harder to find female friends who share similar journeys. Compound that with being an executive leader and – yikes!

Join The Executive Warrior Woman and we’ll include you in our larger Warrior Women Membership Community. This is a special group of women who want similar things as you. We love how incredibly diverse this community is, and we think you will, too.

Cash Back – For Those Who Pay-In-Full Only

Cashback isn’t just a perk for your AmEx. Click the button below to go to the checkout page. Once you’re there, enter your payment details and select your payment structure. If you choose to pay in full, enjoy a discount on us.

Choose Between Two Payment Options:

1. Payment Plan: $250 deposit today + $499/month for six months

2. Pay In Full DISCOUNT: $250 deposit today + $2844

Transformation happens better together.

The Executive Warrior Woman works. Many other programs focus on tactics or teach an inflexible framework that worked for them.

As an Executive Warrior Woman, YOU are at the center of what we do. Our attention is on you and your growth.
The level of high-touch group and personal 1:1 support we provide is unmatched.

This experience is for you if…

  • You’re leading your own business or are at top leadership levels in your organization
  • You’re fiercely pro-woman and look for ways to elevate ALL women
  • You’re willing to breathe, relax, and know we’ve got your back
  • You’re searching for a space where you don’t have to lead – where you can just be you
  • You’re excited to learn from other women leaders who are different from you
  • You’re committed to doing the work and eager for different results in your life and leadership

This experience won’t be the best fit if…

  • You are looking for a small group or Bible study
  • You only want women with the same beliefs as you in your group
  • You only want to develop leadership skills
  • You aren’t willing to do the deeper work
  • You aren’t open to trying something different
  • You’re unwilling to let go of what no longer serves you
  • You don’t believe women can lead
  • You are rigid in your beliefs
  • You feel fully satisfied with how things are going in your life

Meet Your Coach

April Diaz, Ezer & Co. Founder & Lead Coach

Hey there! It’s April.

Mom of three. Wife of my high school sweetheart. A hard-core Enneagram 8w7.

  • For 17 years, I pastored in two of the most influential churches in the States.
  • I’ve personally coached 1,000+ people to achieve meaningful results
  • I’ve spent my entire adult life developing marginalized leaders (because I am one).

I understand the struggles women face when it comes to living and leading from a state of wholeness. The systems don’t make it easy. Religion complicates it. Despite how much progress society has made, our culture doesn’t make it easy either.

Back in 2019, I founded Ezer & Co. to help women live and lead with wholeness, despite who or what is trying to keep us small, quiet, and conforming.

I want you to know – I see you, sister. I see you waking up with the weight of the world on your shoulders. I see you grappling with wanting to feel grateful for all that’s in your life yet feeling like something is off. I see you wiping away the tears before anyone else walks into the room.

I also see the warrior within you. The fighter. The woman who knows the world around her can be better and shows up every day to make a difference.

You’re carrying so much. I understand why you’re tired. I want you to know relief is here. Life can get better. You can find more wholeness.

If you’re thinking “Sounds awesome, but I have a lot going on,” keep reading…

It can feel downright terrifying to change things up. We get it. You’re visible and accountable. You’re the breadwinner in your family. Maybe you’ve been in a committed relationship for a while now. People look to you and look up to you. What will happen if you start putting yourself first?

Becoming a better partner, leader, and woman doesn’t mean you have to keep carrying such a heavy weight. Yes, this coaching group will open your eyes to some hard truths. It’ll change you, and those around you will have to adapt. That’s a great thing.

Know that you won’t have to do this alone. You’ll have the tools and support from other women who get it – who get YOU. And we’ll be there to catch you come what may.

Choose Between Two Payment Options:

1. Payment Plan: $250 deposit today + $499/month for six months

2. Pay In Full: $250 deposit today + $2844 (5% discount)

You are more than your responsibilities – way more.

The journey is work, but it’s worth it. You have what it takes to have it all, and you don’t have to get there alone. If you’re a woman who longs to have the fullness of life you deserve, then The Executive Warrior Woman is for you!

Choose Between Two Payment Options:

1. Payment Plan: $250 deposit today + $499/month for six months

2. Pay In Full discount: $250 deposit today + $2844


There are two main differences between The Executive Warrior Woman and The Warrior Woman groups:

1. Who makes up the group: The Executive Warrior Woman is exclusively for women in high-level leadership positions either in their own company or at an employer. We found that executive leaders tend to face unique challenges and wanted to provide a unique group for them.

2. Who provides the coaching: In The Executive Warrior Woman, April is your dedicated coach for all the sessions. (The women in The Warrior Woman are supported by our team of highly-trained coaches. Each coach is trained by our Founder and Lead Coach April Diaz.)

You’ll have about 2-3 hours of Pre-Work to complete before the first group session. Then, to get the most out of your journey, plan to spend 2-3 hours weekly. *Specific dates and times for October launch will be updated later.

We know you’re busy and short on time. That’s why we’ve also included the bonus “Create More Time” Planner so you can free up the time needed for this journey.

The magic happens when you attend live, so we ask that you commit to showing up in real-time for all coaching sessions. We also know life happens, so we’ve got you covered. Week 1 and 3 sessions are recorded and available for you to watch before the next group session.

Yes, you can! All that’s needed today is your $100 non-refundable registration. Then, you can choose to pay in full or select a six-month payment plan.

We want our clients to be fully satisfied with their experience, but we understand sometimes things don’t work out. Once you sign your contract, you are responsible for the full cost of the coaching group, however, we’ll work with you on options to make the most of your investment.

We have certain requirements to qualify for a refund, including a timing element. For more details on our cancellation and refund policy, click here

Please note: The $100 deposit is non-refundable.

Great question! Therapy focuses on processing and healing through past events. Therapy also focuses more on emotional healing and mental health.

Coaching is a developmental science designed to get you results. It helps you participate differently in your life today to achieve your future goals.

At Ezer & Co. we take coaching to a new level. Our proven framework is designed BY women and FOR women, using cutting-edge transformational practices and time-tested coaching models. Our coaches practice what we preach and are trained and certified in the neuroscience of transformation. They use the most effective methods so YOU can achieve what’s most important to you.

We’re big fans of both therapy and coaching. Our groups are entirely coaching-focused and should not be used as a substitute for therapy.