WARNING: Possible Foggy Future Ahead

The year is beginning to wrap up. Holiday plans are being made. 2022 calendars are already available. The end-of-year snowball effect is beginning. You may be oh-so ready to bid 2021 farewell. Before we turn the calendar year, ask yourself:

If you continue on your current path, 
are you satisfied and proud with how you’ll finish 2021?

Ezer + Co. - Determine Your Future

I can’t stop looking at this picture of this woman. I think she’s a lot of us!

She’s created space to go on an adventure. She’s walked her own pathway. She looking at what’s ahead, but it’s foggy. Unsure where to go. Her future is foggy. She’s standing there.

Maybe she’s catching her breath. Maybe she’s wondering if she should turn around and head toward safety. Maybe she’s summoning the courage to walk into the foggy future. Maybe she’s wondering how she will find her way home.

This woman is revealing some things. She’s showing you and me:

  1. You can do hard things like face foggy futures.

  2. You need to pause along the journey to determine your next step.

  3. You can take the time to enjoy the beautiful moment and look to what’s possible in the future.

  4. You can choose to walk into foggy futures or you can turn around and head to safety.

There’s so very much that’s out of control in our world. It’s so easy to sink into despair, complacency, status quo, and passivity. Getting stuck is easy to do. Excuses are available by the handful. Settling for the lowest acceptable standard is “normal”. Even when “average” is unhealthy or dysfunctional, we buy it (literally and figuratively).

You were created for more and better because you’re worth it!!

I believe you can both look into a foggy future and take a step forward. You don’t need to see the end destination to keep moving forward. Like this Warrior Woman, you can do hard things, pause, enjoy the moment, and choose your next step forward.

As you begin to wrap up 2021, follow the example of this Warrior Woman. And begin determining how you want to live into 2022. (Per our annual tradition, we’ll share an End of Year Review to guide you.)

WARNING! The future may look foggy, but do NOT allow that to keep you from moving forward in your life and leadership. Vision will emerge through the fog as you take one step at a time.