The $4700 flight (!!)

I almost puked when she told me she paid $4700 for a last minute flight. 🤢 Remember that Delta debacle a couple weeks ago? One of the participants for the Awareness to Action Retreat got caught in the mess. And she had to decide if she would 1) miss the retreat or 2) pay $4700 to reschedule her flight on another airline.

But it was her decision making process that was most powerful.

The week before the retreat, a family member needed $4100 last minute to cover an urgent expense. Without hesitation or overthinking it, she went to the bank and gave the money to her loved one. No regrets.

So, when she was confronted with the opportunity to pay $4700 for herself, she sensed God say, “you’re worth this money, too.”

For the last decade-plus, I’ve seen women struggle with the decision to invest in themselves in a hundred ways – ask for the raise, sign up for the course, go on the girls’ trip, take the monthly day of solitude, carve out time for reading a personal development book. “Next time” and “someday” are frequent excuses not to do it.

When she paid for the $4700 flight, it wasn’t only an act of self-love; it was self-leadership. She determined that the money invested into that insanely priced airfare paled in comparison to what she’d get from the retreat.

Speaking of the Awareness to Action Retreat, if you’re feeling a certain kinda way right now, Julie’s got a word for you! 👇🏾

If you’re debating investing in yourself in any way, DO IT. Don’t hesitate or overthink it. Study after study shows that when you invest in yourself, you’ll pay it forward into your family, community, and work. The ROI is exponential.

I don’t know if you have your own “$4700 flight” you’re considering right now, but if you do? Remember this – you’re worth it.