Autopilot doesn’t work in your body 😵

After being sick for 10+ weeks, I’m reflecting on my own wholeness journey … and yours. 💞 I shared some thoughts about my recovery this week on Instagram Live.

Like we talked about last week, I’m doubling down on this belief: Wholeness begins in your body. 

In every season, as our body changes we get to adjust how we care for our body. We get to adjust our practices. We get to listen to her needs and respond accordingly.

One of the most annoying things about this lifelong wholeness journey is that you cannot put it on auto-pilot. Yes, there are some practices that become hard and fast habits, but attending to our physical wholeness is ongoing and ever-changing. If you’re planning on your body staying the same, don’t expect your body to function at its optimal level. My body is living proof after these last few months. 😩

While you may not be able to control everything, but you can control how you treat your body. Don’t expect to ignore sleep without serious implications. Don’t expect to binge, purge, restrict, or shove whatever into your mouth without consequences. Don’t expect to be sedentary or inactive without significant outcomes.

While your body may feel mysterious and overwhelming, remember this truth…

On that note, it’s not too late to join our membership community this month. We’re focusing on your physical wholeness. Here’s what’s included this month:

💪🏾 Physical Wholeness Challenge: A simple challenge that’ll help you improve your sleep, food, and movement patterns.
💪🏾 Access to our proprietary Wholeness Assessment: Clarity on how you’re doing in each dimension and your easiest steps forward.
💪🏾 “Body Breakdown to Breakthrough” Workshop: A 1-hour on-demand workshop to help you listen to what your body is saying and breakthrough to better results.
💪🏾 Physical Wholeness Pro Tips: Download this practical PDF for ways you can pay attention to your body better.
💪🏾 Live Q+A with me: Join a 1-hour group Zoom call to ask me anything!
💪🏾 Access to our private Facebook group: Transformation happens better together.
💪🏾 Weekly Study Hall: Pick an important task or goal and get to work uninterrupted for an hour each week.

Join us for a month or save money with our annual membership. It’s the best way to stay the course in your wholeness journey, get the support you need for your journey, and connect with other women who want the same.

Honor your body. It’s where you live and everything else flows from how you care for it. 🧡