Prayerful Examen

Steve Carter - Ezer & Co. Article

Steve Carter

A Guest Post

First, a Word from April:

In our final episode of The Global Fringe this season, Ezer & Co.’s Advisory Board member, Steve Carter, brings a powerful word in a super vulnerable, honest, and courageous conversation about being an ally for women, even if it costs you everything.

At the end of the episode I asked him (like I’ve done with every guest this season), “what’s the one practice that leads you toward wholeness”? His response was too good not to offer to you. May this examen lead you toward greater wholeness, as well.

Daily Prayerful Examen through the biblical story:

At the end of each day, take time to reflect through your last 24 hours and prepare for the next day.

  • Garden: Start with what God asks the man and women in the garden “where are you?” and just free-write.

  • Egypt: In the past 24 hours, where have I felt oppressed?

  • Sinai: In the past 24 hours, where has God met me? It could be through the scriptures, creation, song, friend…

  • Jerusalem: In the last 24 hours, where have I been responsible and irresponsible with the unique gifts, talents, power, and platform that God has given me?

  • Babylon: In the next 24 hours, what is the next best, right step forward? Basically, what is God asking me to do? Get clarity from someone? Forgive this person? Make a hard call?

  • Cross: What must I let go of so I can carry the cross well?

  • Spirit: What’s my word or verse or phrase for the day?