take what you need: a blessing
by Jocelyn Peirce, Ezer & Co. Coach
May you plant yourself deeply
so your roots dig down down
deep down
May your roots spread wide
working their way around
anything that dares to
stand in their way.
May your roots
take everything they need
without apology
because God made this soil
for you.
From dust you were made
to dust you will return
but for now
may this dust nurture you
and fuel your flourishing
So that your hands and arms
may be lifted higher
facing the sun and following
her nourishing gaze
all of your days.
May you drink from the rain
big, slurping, sloppy, noisy gulps
And with every breath you
you are
Rooted and grounded
Reaching higher
Breathe deep
As you breathe you are
and you sustain
the life around you.
This was the closing blessing of our Renewal Retreat, written by Jocelyn Peirce and spoken over 15 women this Saturday morning.
While a blizzard on the east coast and Omicron kept us from being physically together, 15 women gathered together virtually for the renewal retreat. The retreat was designed around the focus of “I am Here. Together with You”. Our purpose was simple yet deliberate—recover your life in a safe space with sisters who will be “here” with you as you move forward this year.
In order to move forward, we need to define where we are today and determine how we can take steps forward that will renew our life.