Shift with Summer

Take a deep breath in.
Inhale in 1-2-3-4 and a
slow exhale 1-2-3-4. 

That’s what summer feels like.

Can you feel it? Do you see it?  Are you fighting it? I want to invite you into the SHIFT of summer:

S– Stop

H– Heal

I– Invest

F– Find Fun

T– Trust

STOP doing something that no longer serves you and your family.

Maybe stop doing several things. Summer is a perfect time to slow down and reimagine what is possible.

  • Stop staying up late and then drinking 4 cups of coffee in the morning to get moving.

  • Stop prioritizing the demands of others at the expense of your most precious relationships.

  • Stop waiting for tomorrow for what you can get done today.

Maybe your Stop is not forever. It could simply be a pause until you know for certain what you need to pick back up again. But the point is that you STOP for now.

HEALING is a process and takes intentional effort.

What if this summer you chose to listen, learn, love, and lean into what needs healing in your life? Imagine walking into Fall without holding onto that pain. Doesn’t that feel lighter just thinking about it?

INVEST in yourself.

Reminder: self-care is not selfish. We say all the time that physical wholeness begins in your sleep, nutrition, and movement patterns because your body is your fundamental source of life. Invest in the right tools and carve out the time to make yourself a priority. When you invest in yourself, everyone wins. When you don’t invest in yourself, everyone suffers.

I can almost smell that piña colada face mask! Yes, Warrior Woman! 

Physical Wholeness Defined

FUN doesn’t just happen.

Your kind of fun is unique to you. Fun doesn’t mean funny either. Having fun is what expands your energy and helps you feel like more of yourself. It can be alone, with your girlfriends, or with any of your favorite people.

Better yet snap a pic and tag us @ezerandco with hashtag #FoundMyFUN.

We can’t wait to see you Sparkle and Shine this summer! 

TRUST is a fragile word for many.

You can find a million inspirational quotes because this action is so crucial to our wholeness. You can find the word “trust” or “faith” (translated from the same Greek word, “pistis”) all throughout the Scriptures.

When you hear the word “trust” I want you to pay attention to what surfaces for you? Do you recall how trust was broken? Do you rest in it and believe that things will all work out for your good in the end?

Trust what your body, thoughts, and behaviors are telling you. Once you know the truth, it’s time to walk with trust into the process.  

So, there you have it! SHIFT into summer and let your whole self be refreshed.

Ezer + Co. - Stephanie Porter

Here’s a pic from my SHIFT this summer. I’m with you on the journey!

I am starting another coaching group in September and I would love to journey with you as you SHIFT from summer into the fall.

If you want to chat more, email me, and let’s connect.

Don’t let another season pass without engaging with the journey of living and leading with wholeness!

You got this, Ezer! 

Stephanie Porter