What makes or breaks your outcomes?

This month we’ve been digging into what commonly gets – and keeps – us stuck. If you’ve missed how you can move forward despite uncertainty, overwhelm, and the wrong people, you can read those on our website.

Today the barrier is your mindset. Your mindset makes or breaks your outcomes. 

One of the things I tell my kids on a regular basis is “whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re probably right”.

How you think about possibility, circumstances, barriers, money, challenges, or an opportunity creates your lived reality. #sorrynotsorry

I’ve been praying the Serenity Prayer like it’s my job this last month. Honestly, sometimes I don’t feel like it’s producing more SERENITY NOW. But I keep praying it because it’s better than the alternative.

As a leader who’s (likely) leading from the margins, this adapted Franciscan prayer is serving me well these days. May it bless you, too.

Your mindset will make or break your outcomes, friend. Don’t get stuck thinking you can’t do anything. Don’t get stuck fighting against things you cannot change.

May you have the wisdom and aligned action to know the difference! I’m with you.