What’s going on right now?

What’s going on right now?

Here’s my vulnerable self

Hi! My name is April…
and, clearly, it’s a lifelong journey.

One of the things I say all the time is that wholeness is NOT a goal to be achieved. It’s not a destination, and it’s not something you can put on autopilot. We can’t sleepwalk through life and fully live into our potential. What worked before may not work now.
Wholeness is a lifelong journey. What I love – and honestly, sometimes loathe – about this work we do is that our mission requires that I practice what I preach. There’s NO way I can coach others on their wholeness journey if I’m not actively pursuing my own wholeness in every damn dimension. I get to do the work that I’m inviting you to do, too. It’s the deal. 
THE TRUTH? This month has been a very hard one. It’s pulled me deeper into my belief that wholeness begins in your body. When your physical wholeness is jacked up, everything else is impacted.
our epic Spring Break trip last monthI contracted a bacterial and viral infection and I wasn’t recovering. Extreme exhaustion, muscle fatigue, and brain fog have been the ongoing symptoms. My bloodwork is still out, but my doc’s current diagnosis is that I’ve got long-Covid presenting as chronic fatigue and post-viral syndrome. 😞
Physically, I’ve spent half of this month in bed, unable to function. 
Emotionally, I’ve cried so many tears in pain and utter sadness. 
Mentally, dark thoughts have been tempting; it’s taken tremendous focus to practice an abundance mindset instead. 
Relationally, I’ve been unavailable my marriage and motherhood. 
Spiritually, my #1 question to God is, “What do you have for me in this?”
Renewal, stress has been high and energy an all-time low. I haven’t been able to work in one of the most important seasons. Financially, trusting God’s provision has been in full force as I haven’t been able to work like normal.
What do you notice from my current reality? What do you see? 
One of the perspectives we can hang on to in tough times is that nothing is wasted. When our bodies rebel, we still get to choose how to participate in our life. Even when plans fail, opportunities abound
Once again, I’m listening to my body in new ways. I get to learn at a new levels what shifts I need to make in order to care for myself well and bring healing. I get to experiment with new things. I get to be gentle with myself. I get to extend compassion to others whose bodies aren’t cooperating. I get to practice what I preach.
I don’t “have to” … I “get” to. Big difference internally and externally. 
We’re all about wholeness because when one part of your life suffers, every part is affected. It doesn’t matter if you’re thriving externally if your internal world doesn’t match. Every wholeness dimension is interconnected, and every dimension impacts the others. We definitely want to achieve big goals together, but who you are becoming and how you’re leading yourself toward wholeness is of utmost importance! 
So, that’s where I am today. Physically, I’m not where I want to be and it’s impacted my whole life. AND I get to participate differently in my body which will reap benefits in every other dimension. 
I wanted to show up and share my whole story because what I invite you to do is what I’m doing myself. Every damn day. With joy. And with tears.
If my story encourages or helps you in any way, I’d love to hear. It’d do my heart good!! 🧡