When It’s Time to Double Down

Last week I was coaching a leader who said to me,

“April, I don’t know what to tell my kid about what’s happening. I don’t know if my workplace and co-workers are safe for me to bring my whole self. I feel numb and overstimulated at the same time. I feel scared and helpless, but I know that’s the point. I need to engage differently.”

Resonate, I didn’t have a magic answer for her (that’s not the point of coaching), but it’s profound what empathy and active listening can do. And I’m always awed by how the next step is always available.

I don’t know precisely how you’re carrying the weight of leadership these days, but SO much of what I’m hearing in my coaching and training is that the national leadership landscape is beyond disheartening, discouraging, and downright terrifying.

And yet you don’t want to crawl under a rock and plug your ears (ok, maybe you do ev-er-y-day, but nevertheless you persist 🤗). 

You know you need to stay engaged and lead courageously. But not at the expense of your sanity and soul. So, what do you do?

Right now, leadership necessitates a third way, and that’s how I’m doubling down.

The third way doesn’t go back to what already wasn’t working, nor does it co-sign on cruel, chaotic, and un-compassionate leadership.

The third way is holistic, “power with” leadership. Yes, it requires your whole self, but we belong to one another and that’s what will save us.

I’m convinced despite unending bad news that we BOTH can make a difference AND lead ourselves well.

If you’d appreciate 30-minutes of brave space to unload what’s going on for you and create a way forward, I’d love for you to book a Clarity Call with me. For me, it’s not about landing another coaching contract. It’s about creating space for you to move forward. (You may decide coaching is the right next step, but that’s not my purpose.)

The other thing I’m noticing––leaders desperately want connection with other leaders committed to this holistic, “power with” leadership way. If that’s you, I’m thinking about offering a FREE 1-hour leadership group call to connect in a brave, honest, and forward-moving kind of way.

Tell me if you’d be interested! Click your response below. 👇🏾

Take heart, leader. We can create a future that’s for our mutual wholeness and thriving, especially the most marginalized among us. Whatever you do, do not give up!