By engaging in both noticing and seeing we begin to experience the three dimensions of God’s presence:
Intrapersonal Presence – God dwells within me.
Interpersonal Presence – God dwells within you and me.
Transpersonal Presence – God dwells everywhere.
A posture of humility is an important part of this process. It is the doorway, which opens us up to mystery and intimacy with God. Rather than just knowing information about God (head knowledge), we experience God on a deeper level often described as heart-knowing.
Coming to God with a humble heart and a desire for intimate friendship through spiritual practices like Seeing and Noticing, Silence and Stillness, and the Prayer of Examen can enliven our spiritual lives and cause us to flourish. Again, most of us were not taught how to engage those practices in life-giving ways the bring more wholeness to our life and leadership. This is where a Spiritual Director becomes so valuable.
A Spiritual Director can provide tremendous support, as you learn to listen for God’s voice and recognize God’s presence in all of life.
In the soulish poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browing, may we find ourselves both lost in God and found by God.
Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God.
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
If you missed our previous 2 articles in this short series on Spiritual Direction, you can find Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.