Happy 3rd Birthday, Ezer & Co.!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Ezer & Co.!!!

Do you know our birth story? It’s a miraculous one.Birthed on March 13, 2019, with scrambled eggs, champagne, + thousands of butterfliesThree years ago, I’d never started a brand new company before. I had NO IDEA when exactly it should be birthed. I was clueless...
5 Ways to Honor Women

5 Ways to Honor Women

Women are making history every day, often in spite of remarkable challenges, obstacles, restraints, and biases. The Scriptures talk about giving honor where honor is due. More specifically, honoring looks like to esteem, value, or show respect for the one deserving of...
The Art of Starting Over

The Art of Starting Over

The shiny newness of January has worn off and here we are, in the dreariness of February, holding our dashed new year’s dreams and haggard hopes. What do you do if you started this year holding on to hope, but are feeling like a failure?Relax your shoulders and jaw....
Renewal Retreat Blessing

Renewal Retreat Blessing

take what you need: a blessingby Jocelyn Peirce, Ezer & Co. Coach May you plant yourself deeply  so your roots dig down down deep downMay your roots spread wide working their way around anything that dares to  stand in their way.May your roots take...
4 Practices to Achieve Your Goal

4 Practices to Achieve Your Goal

January is almost over (impossible). If you set out this year with a goal or a word for the year, chances are that you’ve already slipped up and gone back to your old ways. 😏It’s normal but still frustrating! You’re certainly not alone. The research...
Take What You Need

Take What You Need

As you enter Year 3 of Covid with all your hopes, disappointments, and longings from the past 2 years, my conversations with women have so much overlap. Our experiences and life-stages may be different, but there are a few things we have in common:we want morewe know...