I didn’t expect her response

I was on a coaching call this week with an incredible leader who was figuring out exactly what she wants to achieve in her coaching group.

She admitted that she wasn’t certain she even wanted or needed coaching, and she certainly wasn’t sure what coaching would be like. But she didn’t want to miss the opportunity to do things confidently – and differently – in a new season of life. Understandably, on our call she didn’t have clarity about what she wanted from this 6-month journey.

We processed for a bit about what’s not working in her life right now, what’s new and shaky, what this season looks like, and what she wants moving forward.

Then, I heard it. She started describing exactly who she wanted to BE and what she wanted to HAVE on July 31st (the last day of her coaching group, but not gonna share her private goal, tho).

… and then she started crying.

I was quiet for a moment as her emotion welled up, then I asked, “What are you feeling right now?” She said,

Her voice shook and her tears kept flowing. In that moment, she realized that the goal we defined together resonated on a DEEP emotional level, and yet it was already existing BARELY under the surface. It was as if her desire and her goal were simply waiting for the space to be asked.

When was the last time you were asked “What do you want?”. I’m guessing it’s been a while. It’s a powerful question that deserves to be asked and answered. Most of the time we don’t take the time to ask ourselves or others, so those desires and goals lie dormant within.

Answering that question is one of the first steps of transformation.

When you ask – and answer – that holy question, I bet something will burst out of you, too.

Your future self will thank you.