It’s happening for you…

Last week I shared that I have a theory: July is the month when we all lose our minds. đź«  It definitely resonated because a whole bunch of you downloaded our FREE Summer Sanity Guide. (This is a good one to share with a friend before they lose their mind, too!)

I wanted to dig in a little deeper because there’s a tendency in high stress seasons to “get by”, suck it up, and passively wait until it passes.

There’s a better way. A way that leads you toward your whole self.

Ask yourself, “What is this season here for?” Because the truth is – you’ll never get this summer back. You’ll never be “here” again. Your kids (and you!) will never be this age again. You’ll never have these same opportunities.

This season is here for something, and you don’t want to waste it.

As an Enneagram 8, I’m future focused (as are 3s and 7s). My natural stance is to live into the future. But today is all we’re promised. These are the good ol’ days.

So, instead of losing your mind this summer – wishing for school or cooler weather or fill in the blank, what if instead you asked yourself, “What is this season here for?” and responded accordingly.

Your body, heart, and mind will thank you when you take action on that knowledge. Your relationships will appreciate your shift. Your connection to God will deepen as you live into the gift of this season. Your body will relax into what is, not what should be.

TLDR: This season isn’t happening to you; it’s happening for you.

May you be here for this season… in the beauty and insanity of it all.