[NOW] ready or not

I don’t know if you’ve heard Ezer & Co.’s origin story, but I didn’t start this business like all the ol’ white guys who wrote all the business books tell entrepreneurs how to start a business. 😏

I didn’t have investors, a business plan, financial model, mission or vision statement, clearly defined values, marketing plan, or even a bank account. 😱

It’s a wonder we’re still here. 🥹

What I did have was a name, vision, dream, and a belief that women could change the world and redefine leadership. It was enough. (If you haven’t downloaded our Manifesto, get it here. We didn’t create this until much later, but it’s become our rally cry. And it will fire you up as a part of our community. 🔥 You belong here.)

Five years ago this week, I was in Cabo, courtesy of my Granny, and Ezer was only a name. I spent those five days in paradise drinking margaritas and dreaming (praying!) about what a company of Warrior Women and allied men could become and achieve together.

In between gazing into the ocean and eating bacon with Granny, God affirmed that NOW was the time to launch Ezer & Co. If you haven’t heard about the day we officially became a business, you have to read that story right now. It’s DIVINE!

Let me be very clear: I WAS NOT READY TO LAUNCH EZER & CO. WHEN I DID. I didn’t have anything prepared like I “should” have. Failing publicly was a real option. Looking like an idiot was likely.

But I trusted that I could figure out the way as long as I took action with the next step I knew to take.

I was committed to building a company of Ezers – Warriors! – who would invest in this dream with me.

Proof? The women in the very first Ezer coaching group I led got “Ezer” tattooed on their arms at the end of their coaching group. 🙌🏾

Maybe you feel like I did in Cabo 5 years ago.

You have a dream, a vision, or a goal, but you do NOT feel ready to activate it. You have a sense you need to do something different, but there’s not a crystal clear plan. You know you need to take a step forward in faith, but the pathway isn’t visible. You’re in a transition, but what’s next is foggy or uncertain.

It’s okay, friend. I see you in that. Being ready doesn’t matter nearly as much as being committed. You may never be ready, but it’s time to start and do something. Take it from me.

Some of the best things in life happen when we’re not ready for it, but we’re willing and committed. Let’s do this.