Anneke Coetzee
A Guest Post
On this Good Friday, may these words root you more deeply into the profundity of what happened on this day over 2000 years ago…
But there is an unstoppable hope
Echoing through the realm of past and time
Straight into my future.
My family’s future
Breathing courage directly into my veins
And as I rise up,
His armor covers me
And His words speaks life to my weak bones
As it did a long time ago
When a prophet stood
at the Valley of Dry Bones
And with His breath…it came to life
Standing here in my own Valley of Dry Bones
I begin to feel Him breathe unstoppable hope
Into my broken life
as I start speaking His words of truth
into the face of dragons
Dragons that came storming from the past
Ready to kill, steal and destroy
Waiting for moments of weakness
to overtake us and devour our future
Murder our dreams
Destroy our unions
Strangle our children’s hope
so they will believe the lie
of a fatherless generation
Trying to let us cry out
Words of defeat:
“Where in the world can you
And your wide-eyed children
Find someone
who will just choose to stay.”
But as the enemy’s words
starts to echo in my ears
I raise up a standard against him
as he spats out words of decimation.
But I raise this sword
which is Your word
And I cling to this shield of faith
As I charge forward through rough places
with feet fitted with the gospel of peace
As I guard my heart with this breastplate of righteousness that keeps me pure
The helmet of salvation covers my head
And I will not be tempted with meaningless lies
Because Your belt of truth
Protects me and Keeps me together
I will not take any prisoners
but will slay this dragon
and destroy him
with the blood of the cross
covering my family
Walking in victory
blood soaked by His love and grace
You God are my defense
you prepare a table for me
in the presence of my enemies
You will never leave nor forsake me