Do you have sisters like this who will
- clink their glass in celebration with you?
- ask you that important follow-up question?
- listen without giving “feedback” or advice?
- call you out when you hold yourself back?
- hold you to your commitment and goal?
- invite you to share your whole story?
- stand in solidarity with you against the “isms” intended to harm us?
Shoot, Andrea even said she knows I’ll be the sister who brings the bail money if anything goes down. 🫣 (She’s not wrong!)
Our night in Orlando stoked my fire to keep gathering and connecting us. Yes! We’re still hosting an intimate retreat from September 8-10th in SoCal.
But THE PLACE all these women connected with through our coaching groups. They are the secret sauce to Ezer + Co.
That’s why I’m relentlessly inviting you to participate.
This is your opportunity to shift what’s going on and get different results in your life and leadership. It’s the place to increase wholeness. It’s where you can get unstuck, shift your narrative, achieve what matters most to you.
The women you’ll meet may be strangers now, but you’ll be sisters soon!
Learn more and register. Click the buttons below.