Summer is officially here! My kiddos’ last day of school is today, which means Judah’s headed to high school this fall and Asher’s headed to middle school. 🤯 It also means that Queen Addise will be the top of the class in middle school. 👸🏾
The end of school and start of summer is…ummm…complicated. Summer is by far my favorite season, at least it was until I became a parent. I love the end to the morning chaos and endless school emails and homework and carpool. But I get real nervous about “what we’re going to DO with these children and how much it’s going to cost to keep them alive and active for the next 2+ months?!?” YOU FEEL ME?
Every mom I know has a love/hate relationship with summer. NO MORE! I want more magic and less meltdowns this summer!
So, I created this freebie for you and every mom you know that will help you make summer magical. Not in a picture perfect, fake princess-y kinda way. But an easier way to help you practice mindsets that will shift your expectations so it can be magical, no matter what!
I collected 15+ mindsets that have helped me make summer magical and defined 3 questions that shift my perspective for these next couple months. This freebie could be the life-changer and game-changer for you and your kiddos this summer. Grab it now by clicking the links below, and share it with mama friends who want more magic and less meltdowns this summer.
I’d love to hear what mindset or question could make your summer magical! Tag us on social or reply and tell me. We’re in this together!