by ezerandco | Nov 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
“Seven years ago I wrote a similar lament based on the struggle for leading women. I was asked to write my own psalm, a reflection on Psalm 40, which speaks to an ache in the poet’s heart. As I wrote this lament, the words flew off my fingers as I asked God...
by ezerandco | Oct 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dr. Mimi Haddad Guest Post Series First, a word from April. This is the last of three articles in the series by Christians for Biblical Equality President, Dr. Mimi Haddad, about who women have been created to be as ezers (originally posted HERE, reposted with Mimi’s...
by ezerandco | Oct 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dr. Mimi Haddad Guest Post Series First, a word from April. This is the second of three articles in the series by Christians for Biblical Equality President, Dr. Mimi Haddad, about who women have been created to be as ezers (originally posted HERE, reposted with...
by ezerandco | Oct 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dr. Mimi Haddad Guest Post Series First, a word from April. This is the first of three articles in the series by Christians for Biblical Equality President, Dr. Mimi Haddad, about who women have been created to be as ezers (originally posted HERE, reposted with Mimi’s...
by ezerandco | Jun 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Tamara Carpenter Guest Post What does it mean to be an Ezer; a warrior, a strong helper? I’m still learning. My progress toward wholeness is advancing in fits and starts. I’m learning that by owning my whole story, even the unseemly parts, I grow stronger. With help...