Shift with Summer

Shift with Summer

@ethanrobertson Take a deep breath in. Inhale in 1-2-3-4 and a slow exhale 1-2-3-4. That’s what summer feels like.Can you feel it? Do you see it?  Are you fighting it? I want to invite you into the SHIFT of summer:S- StopH- HealI- InvestF- Find FunT-...
To know and be known: Relational Wholeness

To know and be known: Relational Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership “The Voice cries, Child, come home.But home hurts, I reply. Home means ridicule. I am not known, there, only judged. I must hide and suppress to survive. I can’t go back....
3 Brain Shifts: Mental Wholeness

3 Brain Shifts: Mental Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership When the pandemic hit just one year ago, I was one of “those people” excited for mixing up the schedule a bit. I thought that meetings in my pajamas were awesome, that clocking...
Indescribable Overload: Emotional Wholeness

Indescribable Overload: Emotional Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership In a moment everything shattered. Five years of my life were taken away. Everything I prayed for, worked for, hoped for, continued to break little by little until it was...
Proof of Life: Physical Wholeness

Proof of Life: Physical Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership Three years ago, my husband and the father of my four children died suddenly. His proof of life ended. The anger and anxiety of grief were too much to bear.Less than two weeks...