The Antidote to Overwhelm

The Antidote to Overwhelm

I’m in Michigan today, wrapping up an Awareness to Action leadership retreat with a group of women who are committed to moving from overwhelm to action. I’m SO inspired by leaders who take bold action even when the external realities appear so overwhelming. It’s easy...
The Antidote to Overwhelm

Feeling uncertain right now?

I hope you enjoyed getting re-introduced this last month. As I’ve evolved, so has Ezer & Co., and I’m eager to serve you even better moving forward. This month, I want explore the most common ways you can get stuck, and the quickest way to get unstuck....
The Antidote to Overwhelm

Your #1 Growth Catalyst

One of the most effective catalysts to growth is pain. “Yay!” said no one ever. Pain provides the disruption to relook at your life and leadership, change course as necessary, and clarify your commitments. It opens up opportunity to grow. Without pain, we settle into...
The Antidote to Overwhelm

Your #1 Job

I’m on a mission to change how we view and do leadership. Most leadership attention, training, and coaching is skills-based or focused on leading others, i.e. it’s externally focused. While that’s helpful, it ignores the most important person...
The Antidote to Overwhelm

3 Simple science-backed routine benefits…

“Overwhelmed” is one of the most frequent responses I have with leaders, especially women. Sometimes it’s the first word out of her mouth when I ask how she’s doing. Other times it takes a couple questions before it’s revealed. I hate that for us. It...