Don’t repeat last year! 👀

Don’t repeat last year! 👀

We’re officially 5 days into 2024. Have you started the year with resolutions, dreams, goals, or hopes? Or are you reluctant to open yourself up and be hopeful to what’s possible this year? Either way, there are two truths that simultaneously exist: You...
Don’t repeat last year! 👀

Before the ball drops…

I hope you’ve made space this week to rest, connect, and reflect before the ball drops and it’s a new year. If not, there’s still time to look back and look within before you jump to create goals for 2024. Don’t miss this opportunity!! Our 2023...
Don’t repeat last year! 👀

Hold Out Hope

Christmas is coming. There’s so much that this holiday means to me, but at its heart – Christmas is hope. I don’t know if I’m more attentive to loss and pain this time of year or if there’s more of it than normal, but I’m acutely aware of...
Don’t repeat last year! 👀

It’s not an accident

Sometimes I hate that we’re all about wholeness. 😏 Somedays I wish I was building a company centered on how to have better oral hygiene or making earth friendly light bulbs. Maybe I should go back to my childhood dream of owning a hair salon called “If Looks...
Don’t repeat last year! 👀

Dare to look beyond the difficult

I’ve noticed something interesting that we tend to do when facing disappointment, discontent, and discouragement. We tend to have “all or nothing” thinking. Have you caught yourself saying any of these: “This year has been really tough.” “This has...
Don’t repeat last year! 👀

The Best Is Yet to Come

There was an old hymn I learned as a child, sitting in the hard pews of that lil’ ol’ church. You may also remember the chorus crescendoing – strength for today, bright hope for tomorrow (“Great is Thy Faithfulness”). You can be grateful for a future you...