Proof of Life: Physical Wholeness

a 6-part series on the dimensions of wholeness … to activate you in your life + leadership Three years ago, my husband and the father of my four children died suddenly. His proof of life ended. The anger and anxiety of grief were too much to bear.Less than two weeks...

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Noticing + Seeing (Part 2)

The spiritual life is about noticing and seeing. We can learn to develop spiritual attentiveness through the practices of seeing and noticing. A Spiritual Director can help teach us practices that cause our hearts and minds to be more attuned to God’s loving presence.

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What an un-inspiring day (Part 1)

Sometimes we’re sent a little messenger with an explicit life message. Other times God may bring into our lives someone to accompany us on our spiritual journey; someone who can help us notice the many ways God shows up in our lives.

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The Art of Resilience

PHOTO: @simonrae Resilience is a mysterious combination of art, science, and spirit. Just the word itself evokes images of triumph, rising above, adaptability, and grit.  Like art, resilience expresses itself uniquely in each person. And, as with...

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A Lament during COVID-19: The Seed

PHOTO: @jlanzarini When feelings cease and numbness overtakes. When fog descends obscuring the path, and a frigid mist dampens all joy, where does hope reside? I cry tears of weariness, a wail of despair. When will relief come? Will the sun break through again?What...

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We are Becoming Today Who We Will be Forever

PHOTO by @iamrbn We’ve made it through Week 1 of this global pandemic affecting our daily lives. Elbow bump, y’all! My current favorite meme says, “What a year this week has been.” Can I get a witness?None of us know how to best navigate this new reality. There are...

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On Forgiveness

PHOTO: @lmtrochezz Forgiveness is a really tender, personal, and vulnerable thing. As an Enneagram 8, vulnerability doesn’t come easy for me, especially if you’re not in my inner circle (and sometimes not even then!). But I want to invite you in on a journey I’ve been...

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2019 Books I Loved

DISCLAIMER: this “Crazy” book isn’t on the list 😉 Confession: I read more than I can put into practice. I read 30 books in 2019. It was a weird year of reading more fiction than I normally do, plus because I’ve never launched a company before....

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