10 Things to Stop this Autumn 🍂

If you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, or stretched in your life and leadership, this may be your favorite email in this series! One of the tragic mistakes I see in our work is for every "yes" there needs to be a conscious, corresponding “no.” Otherwise,...

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What’s this season for? 🍁

Seasons changing is a remarkable and cyclical phenomenon that plays a pivotal role in the rhythm of our lives and the natural world around us. It is a testament to the Earth's axial tilt and its orbit around the sun, which creates the four distinct seasons: autumn,...

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2 Truths to Speak + Share

I have too much to say and am unable to because two things are equally true this week: First, our retreat 2 weeks ago was beyond what I could've hoped or imagined! There's something supernatural when you gather women who want more and unapologetically step into their...

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What I Didn’t Know was Killing Me

My first experience being coached was in 2005. I hit the jackpot when Dr. Jack Groppel became my coach. He's an internationally recognized authority and pioneer in the science of human performance. 🙌🏾 Recently inducted into the U.S. Pro Tennis Hall of Fame for...

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The BIG problem with learning

Hey, Pop Quiz! Don't worry - you can't fail. 😉 Answer yes or no for each question: Have you recently learned something new? Have you learned something new about yourself in the last 30 days? Do you know more than you're putting into practice? Do you learn more than...

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Check-in with yourself 👑

Hey, it's time to check-in with yourself! Summer's almost over (😩). Kids are headed back to school (🥳). The unstructured, chaos of these hot days are ending, and the needed rhythms of fall are coming (🥵). This time every year I feel a desperate need to re-evaluate how...

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Are you brainwashed?

I'm not off the Barbie soapbox yet because it offers us too much to evaluate and reframe for our real life. If you missed last week's email on how it's impossible to be a woman, please read, especially if you're a man.  There's a small moment in the movie when the...

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It’s impossible to be a woman

I don't remember playing with Barbie's when I was little. I'm not sure if I was actually allowed to play with them. Growing up, I've had a complicated relationship with Barbie, which parallels the complicated relationship I've had with myself and other woman. I was...

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