4 Practices to Achieve Your Goal

January is almost over (impossible). If you set out this year with a goal or a word for the year, chances are that you've already slipped up and gone back to your old ways. đŸ˜It's normal but still frustrating! You’re certainly not alone. The research shows that by...

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Take What You Need

As you enter Year 3 of Covid with all your hopes, disappointments, and longings from the past 2 years, my conversations with women have so much overlap. Our experiences and life-stages may be different, but there are a few things we have in common:we want morewe know...

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If you’re a women in spiritual leadership…

I’ve been a woman in spiritual leadership for nearly 25 years. I’ve often been the only woman in the room. Most of my bosses have been men. The gender gap in spiritual spaces still exists. So what are we to do about it?In this podcast episode, my friend and I talk...

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How you holding up?

We’re halfway through January. Let’s do a quick wholeness check-in. HOW YOU HOLDING UP ? Is the year going according to plan? Are you becoming more yourself? Are you crushing your goals? Are your new habits happening? Are you still feeling hopeful about this year ? Or...

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5 Reasons Why You’re So Tired

Remember when we thought this pandemic would last a few months and the kids would go back to school after Spring Break? Mercy. Yet here we are. Two years later, staring down the long, dark tunnel of this crazy reality called our life. If you’re trying to make sense of...

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New Year ≠ New You (but it does equal new clothes)

Let's re-think NEW for this year.My kids got a lot of new clothes for Christmas (apparently I only took pics of Addise's new clothes— below). It wasn't that their old clothes were bad. They simply outgrew the old clothes. They no longer fit their growing bodies. They...

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Why You Won’t Achieve Your 2022 Goals

How’s that for a perky title? Hang with me, Warrior.But I won’t lie to you. It’s not “New Year, New You”. You won’t achieve the 15 goals you’ve got for this year. You are the same person today that you were on December 31st.January is full of hope and hype. But the...

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2 Reasons You’re Done with ’21

Most of us are over 2021. Done. Finished. ACK.Are you ready for a new year? A fresh start? A reset to begin again?Does that describe your current reality? Before you wish away the rest of this year, there’s likely one of two reasons you’re ready for this year to be...

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5 Lessons from Losing 20+ Pounds This Year

One year ago I hit a physical low. I was the heaviest I’d been since right after I gave birth nearly 9 years prior. Stress was oozing out of my pores. My energy was l-o-w. I felt miserable in my skin. Covid-19 was more than a pandemic. My body reflected the toll of...

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Cultivating Wonder Even with All the Feels

I'm can't stop thinking about several statements Dr. Peace Amadi said in this conversation. Many of us have experienced unprecedented grief, loss, uncertainty, and pain since the pandemic began. Depression and anxiety have skyrocketed. Personal losses on top of...

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