Don’t deny your grief

It feels like we're all carrying loss and pain with us these days. Grief feels like an unwelcome guest in daily life and conversations. We're experiencing collective grief. My conversations and social media feeds are filled with devastating news reports of what's...

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I didn’t expect her response

I was on a coaching call this week with an incredible leader who was figuring out exactly what she wants to achieve in her coaching group. She admitted that she wasn't certain she even wanted or needed coaching, and she certainly wasn't sure what coaching would be...

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2 vulnerable things I do daily

Our Patron Saint Brené Brown says “Vulnerability is your most accurate measure of courage.” Vulnerability isn't my natural proclivity, but I want to be deeply known by others and live courageous. So, I've spent the better part of the last 15 years practicing...

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Could your emotions use a boost?

It's the month of LOVE, which can be super triggering if you're feeling a lack of self-love or feeling loved in your relationships. Love is a verb and an emotion - it's something you DO and FEEL.  There's a profound connection between love and your emotional...

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Don’t Quit

Have you heard about Quitting Day? I'm shocked (and a little embarrassed) that I've never heard about this stat until now! If you don't know what I'm talking about, I shared this reel to briefly explain the Strava study of 800+ million activities revealing that 80% of...

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Becoming who you are 🙌🏾

It's January 19th and I'm finally beginning to settle into this new year. How about you? Are you getting your groove and momentum? It's a sobering reminder as we're over halfway through the first month of 2024 that nothing changes if nothing changes. Old habits die...

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Do you want this future today?

Pause for a hot minute and let your guard down. Take a two deep breaths and keep reading with curiosity and imagination. Will you do that? Thanks.  😘TWO TRUTHS you need to hear: You are made to thrive and fly. You’re a badass at what you do. Imagine all this is true...

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I see you

This week I called two of my most trusted guides to ask for help. The last 9+ months have been some of the most difficult of my life, but I believe in my bones that we aren't meant to figure it by ourselves or live life alone. Besides the phenomenal wisdom and...

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3 BIG objections

In our last post, I shared what makes our coaching groups different from anything else out there. You can learn more about those here:Maybe you're thinking… “I have so much going on…Will this really work? I've never done coaching before and can't afford something that...

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You won’t find this anywhere else

As this year begins and you're evaluating your potential and desires for more, I wanted to talk about something you may be wondering… “What makes our coaching groups different - WORTH IT?” Seriously. There are endless leadership and personal development options out...

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